First Grade: “When I’m 100 Years Old” Self Portraits

In celebration of our upcoming 100th day of school, first graders created these portraits of a 100-year-old imagined self. We were inspired by the bittersweet photographic collection by Tom Hussey titled, ReflectionsThe photographs portray elderly individuals looking at a reflection of their younger self in a mirror. If you haven’t seen these photographs, you really need to check them out! My students responded to each image with excitement, sensitivity, empathy and endless curiosity, given the use of photoshopping techniques.

Here are some comments from the first grade artists in response to the question, “How will you have changed by the time you are 100 years old?”:

-“I’ll know everything!”

-“I’ll have grandkids…Wait…I’ll have kids AND grandkids! Oh my God!!!”

-“I’ll have so many wrinkles I’ll probably look like my dog!”

-“I’ll have glasses”

-“My head will be shiny because I’ll probably be bald”

-“I’ll know all about the world”

Thanks for stopping by Dryden Art City! Come back soon!